* StreetCats does not take in kittens or mother cats with kittens. * We have a waiting list for adult cats to come in to StreetCats. * Please refer to the list of Tulsa Area Animal Organizations.

*Please call our message line, 918.298.0104,  if interested in spay/neuter/vaccinate vouchers for homeless cats on the streets.*

All of the March $25 spay/neuter/vaccinate vouchers have been assigned. We will be taking requests on the message line (918-298-0104) for April vouchers starting March 18th.

StreetCats’ new facility is OPEN! Make plans to visit our new space at 3105 S. Winston Ave., Tulsa 74135-2028.  Thank you for your patience. Our new facility is beautiful and the remodel has been completed. We look forward to showing it off and having the kitties enjoy their new home.

You can call our message line 918-298-0104 with any questions or send us an email to cats@streetcatstulsa.org.

All family members in a home (including all children) need to come in when a family is looking to adopt. We do not adopt to homes out of Oklahoma. All cats have tested negative for Feline Leukemia (or FeLeuk) and FIV and are current on rabies and FVRCP vaccinations.

All kitties that have not been microchipped prior to coming into the StreetCats adoption program have Home Again microchips implanted by Feline Specialties and StreetCats will register them at no charge to the new owner. If a chip other than from Home Again has been implanted, the new owner will need to register with the specific chip supplier, but there should not be a charge for the owner to do this.

StreetCats, Inc. believes that all cats deserve a home. We wish to reduce the population of unwanted cats by maintaining a spay and neuter program for feral cats and by sheltering cats who no longer have people to care for them. We seek adoptive families who value animals and who will love and protect our StreetCats.

StreetCats, Inc is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to shelter cats that have been abandoned or lost and to find new homes for them.  The cats that we accept into our adoption program are adoptable cats only (we cannot take in feral cats and we do not go out and pick up cats on the streets).   We are an organization that does not place a time limit on a healthy cat's life; we keep them until a home is found.

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.



We have lots of great items for sale in our boutique for humans and cats!

We recently received an abundance of retro jewelry as pictured! Necklaces, bracelets, watches, earrings, pins and etc.

We, of course, have our variety of cat items for sale-- too many to mention! We hope you will come by and see what we have!

All our sales go to feeding and taking cate of our kitties who are waiting for their fur ever homes!

Exciting Announcement!!

Facebook now recognizes our nonprofit status!! This includes a DONATE button!

You should see the button at the top of our page. Once clicked, supporters can choose to donate once or select a recurring donation. Supporters can also set up a fundraiser on FB on our behalf. Visit our page to try it for yourself!

As always, thank you so much for your generosity! The kitties are most appreciative!



It seems every year I hear from someone who started feeding a poor, lost kitty that showed up in their yard in the spring.  As winter approaches, they realize they have a cat who continues to come for food.  Unlike the hummingbirds who conveniently leave for the winter, if you've been feeding a cat, you have an animal dependent on you.  But besides food, this kitty will need shelter from the cold, wind, snow or sleet.  Don't worry - building a winter shelter for outdoor cats can be both simple and inexpensive. LEARN TO BUILD AN OUTDOOR CAT SHELTER HERE.