All cats have tested negative for Feline Leukemia (or FeLeuk) and FIV and are current on rabies and FVRCP vaccinations. All kitties have Home Again microchips implanted and are registered at no charge to the owner. StreetCats is located at 3105 S. Winston Ave., Tulsa, OK. We are open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.  All family members in a home (including all children) need to come in when a family is looking to adopt. We do not adopt to homes out of Oklahoma.   

Adoption Application - PDF

Adoption Application - Word

NOTE: You must print out the Adoption Application and bring your completed application into StreetCats when you come in to meet our cats for adoption. We do not process Adoption Applications emailed to us until we have met the applicant and all individuals who live together. You may fax completed applications to 918-499-1250 or scan and email to, but they won’t be processed until you have met with StreetCat volunteers at our facility.

Adoption fee - $75   **  If 65 years or older Adoption fee - $65  **  If adopting two cats - $135  **  If 65 years or older for two cats - $125