All cats have tested negative for Feline Leukemia (or FeLeuk) and FIV and are current on rabies and FVRCP vaccinations. All kitties have Home Again microchips implanted and are registered at no charge to the owner. StreetCats is located at 3105 S. Winston Ave., Tulsa, OK. We are open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. All family members in a home (including all children) need to come in when a family is looking to adopt. We do not adopt to homes out of Oklahoma.
NOTE: You must print out the Adoption Application and bring your completed application into StreetCats when you come in to meet our cats for adoption. We do not process Adoption Applications emailed to us until we have met the applicant and all individuals who live together. You may fax completed applications to 918-499-1250 or scan and email to, but they won’t be processed until you have met with StreetCat volunteers at our facility.
Adoption fee - $75 ** If 65 years or older Adoption fee - $65 ** If adopting two cats - $135 ** If 65 years or older for two cats - $125
She is shy and tends to stay be herself since she was previously kept separate from other pets in the home, but the woman moved and could not take her. Initially in StreetCats she was OK with other cats sharing her space in a red house as all the new ones loved to snuggle up with her and she never got aggressive with them to leave her alone.
However, she was adopted in early May along with Millie but it did not work out and her new dad felt it would be much better to return her so that hopefully she can find a new home as a single kitty. She is back in her favorite red house on top of the cages in Smokey’s Room and she seems very contented. She tends to stay by herself but she loves to be petted and purrs when she gets attention. She will be happiest as the only pet (no other cats or dogs) in a quieter home but it will probably take a while for her to adjust. She does eat both dry and wet food although she can be picky with the wet food.
She is very sweet and friendly, but other cats seem to make her nervous. She prefers Purina EN dry food and likes creamy seafood wet food. Adopted 8/2021 and returned 9/2022 due to peeing outside of litter box but she wasn’t on medicine consistently. Owner loved her but decided to return her. She uses a “regular” litter box that has clay litter in it, but she occasionally will pee on a puppy pad. She is on Fluoxetine to reduce stress and hopefully keep her from peeing in places other than the litter box. Fluoxetine is a gel that goes on the hairless area of an ear flap – switch ear flaps daily. This medication is in a transdermal gel applicator and is easy to give. The cost of this medicine is $75.34 for three pens on an auto ship for every 12 weeks. This medicine does have to be set up by her vet and Feline Specialties does this for her now. She would love to have a home of her own as the only pet in the home.
Toby is a brown tabby male that was rescued apparently after his original owner in 2020 abandoned or lost him at some point in time. He was born in 2020. His foster kept him separate from Crow because they did not get along. He was previously microchipped so he was owned at one time. Right now he is very shy and he enjoys sharing a house with Pasta who seems to take care of all new cats. We don’t know if he’s been around dogs but his foster didn’t think he’d be good around children in case he gives a love bite. In StreetCats (less than a week) he loves to be petted and he enjoys eating wet food.
Oshie is a very handsome blue tabby male with very long fur. His estimated birth date is 1/7/2018. He is a love and loves people and to be brushed or combed which will be needed daily. He is out and about all the time in StreetCats and enjoys sitting higher up on a cat tree. He had a dental at Feline Specialties and three teeth were pulled. His bloodwork indicted he is in good health. He enjoys eating wet cat food. He does weigh 15.36 lbs. His previous owner says he is a cuddler and loves to hunt with toys. Also they said he will act as the leader if there is another cat or dog in the home. He was considered the best cat ever but they had too many cats and gave him up along with Tiny.
Crow is a very handsome blue tabby male with an estimated birthdate of 12/25/2022. He weighs only 8.74 lbs. Per his foster mom he is playful but should not be around children. He doesn’t usually get along with cats but he might be a good playmate with a dog or a very rambunctious cat. He can be feisty, vocal, and wants to be around his people all the time. He was very scared and very vocal initially and when he’s unhappy he will scream. He might like men more than women, however, he was riding on the back of his foster mom and very comfortable around her. With initial patience he will become a very loving cat.